Monday, June 18, 2012

Time for another well...

There aren't many mornings when I wake up like I did today.  Most mornings require a large cup of coffee and a hot shower before I am coherent.  But today was different. Today I woke up and had a phrase running through my mind.  It was a phrase that I hadn't thought of in years...close to 20 years.

When I was about 16, my family was dealing with yet another move.  Once again there were friends to leave, another new school to maneuver and many tears to shed.  Dealing with the circumstances of this move felt like trying to remove a weighted blanket from smothering my heart.  I knew my entire family was dealing with their own emotions but in my teenage self-centered view, no one felt worse than I did in that moment.

My parents watched as I fell deeper and deeper into my despair.  I'm sure they felt helpless and yet they continued to try and find something to help.  The relief came through music. There was a song that spoke to everything.  This song spoke about how in life there are times when Satan comes and fills in our "wells" with dirt and we have to pick ourselves up and "dig another well."  For this season of my life, my "shovel" was going to help me dig new relationships and plant new roots. 

Before I went off to college, my dad gave me a shovel.  A real shovel.  He talked to me about how important it would be to always keep my shovel nearby.  I was told to keep my heart open and ready to receive whatever the Lord brought to me.  His words were meant to be an encouragement as I left home and tackled college life.  I know he wanted me to always be ready, with tools in hand, to attack any obstacle that came my way.

It's been 20 years since I got my shovel and this morning, for the first time in 20 years, it was the first thing on my mind.  You see, I've been standing on some spiritual ground refusing to move.  I've watched as Satan has thrown dirt in my life-well and then complained about it.  For the past few months, I've been very content to sit by and whine that my well wasn't working for me anymore.  The thoughts that have gone through my mind have been one of defeat.

I forgot that I have the tools.

I have a shovel.

This time around, my digging will be different.  I am digging for MY family. I am digging for my sons.  They need a new well.  They need to see their mom digging and sweating for them.  They need to see me with dirt under my nails and a smile on my face.  Psalm 126 verse 5 explains it better than I ever could.

"Those who sow in tears shall reap with joyful shouting."

But here's the thing...we can't sow and there will be no reaping without digging.  I might have to use my hands to shovel the dirt of lies and defeat that Satan throws my way.  It might mean that I'm on my knees covered in a mess but verse 6 tells me what will come after the digging.

"He (She)  who goes to and fro weeping, carrying his (or her!) bag of seed, 
Shall indeed come again with a shout of joy, bringing his (her) 
sheaves with him. (her)"

I might have to dig a hundred more wells but there will be a harvest of joy.  I will not be defeated.  My sons will learn that there is joy in the digging and that God has equipped us with every good and perfect gift.  I will teach them that picking up a shovel and digging for the blessings that God has for them is the best way to spend their days.  

So if you'll excuse me...I've got my shovel in hand and there are some wells that need my attention.

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