Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Just breathe...

I have started this blog post about a dozen times and every time it's gets deleted.  There are so many ideas and sentences running through my head and heart tonight.

My head says to write about the end of another school year that is coming this week.  It's a safe topic.  Not too much emotion involved.  I shouldn't say that there isn't any emotion.  There's always emotion at the end of a journey.  This year has been a journey.  I taught a grade level that was new to me.  The new curriculum pushed me and challenged me.  There were personal challenges as well.  My boys joined me at my campus this year.  We've had to figure out where the lines are drawn for the being teacher and mommy.  They've learned that my day isn't over at 2:45 when the bell rings.  We've all grown and found a good balance.  I've walked away from school work more than in the past.  My boys have learned that sometimes Mom has to work but that she'll be there for them in the end.  

My not so clean house and over grown yard would tell me to write about adjusting to Sean's job and work schedule.  It's been almost a year since Sean started working nights at Target.  I didn't think I would ever get used to him being gone at night.  Slowly we've settled into a small routine.  My house isn't as clean as I would like and I'm certain my neighbors are tired of seeing the weeds.  We dig through the clean clothes piled up on the couch more often than I would like to admit.  The dishes pile up in the sink on many nights.  But, I've seen joy and contentment in my husbands eyes that I haven't seen in a long time.  He's being recognized for his gifts, talents and hard work.  My house will be clean another day.

My heart says to write about my children.  My sweet boys.  I didn't think it was possible to love them more than I do now.  I know that as the years come and go, I'll find more love for them.  We are in a season right now that is extremely hard.  After years of trying multiple things and much prayer, we decided it was best for our family to contact our pediatrician and begin medication for Daniel's ADHD.  It was a difficult decision but one that we knew was needed.  The affirmation for our decision came when we got in the car after the first appointment with the doctor.  Daniel asked me if we had his new medicine.  I said yes and his next question shocked us.  He asked, "will this medicine make me good?"  My heart broke as I looked into my sweet boys eyes.  He was being so serious.  I looked him and reminded him that he was "good".  God created him wonderfully and perfectly.  This medicine was going to help his brain to slow down so he can think clearly.

Living with not one but two children with ADHD is hard.  Add emotional disturbance and sensory processing disorder for one of our boys and it's safe to say that life is never dull.  Sometimes I feel like we are making progress and then my sons will have a "hard" day and we're back to square one.  There is never a moment when we feel like we have all the pieces together.  It is a constant struggle but one that I know God will carry us through.

The best thing I can do right now is to remember to take deep breaths.

Remember that God's Word is true and faithful.

Remember that God's Word is clear..."He who began a good work in you will be faithful to complete it."

Just breathe. 

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